a completely FRAGRANCE-FREE spray that neutralizes and eliminates all smells emitted by CANNABIS use

a completely FRAGRANCE-FREE spray that neutralizes and eliminates all smells emitted by CANNABIS use

HOW does nsnt work?

the science behind the magic

our fragrance-free spray works by using the proven scientific principle of odor conjugation. the simple chemistry is to have one molecule in our formula attach itself to one molecule of a cannabis related smell and together they quickly become totally neutralized, returning your environment to a completely smell-free environment!

in effect, 1 + 1 = 0!

while the theory seems simple, finding a formula to make it work was quite difficult. while there are products on the market that seem to use this theory, they fall short because they still utilize fragrances and alcohol. adding to the challenge to find a workable product with no fragrance at all is to make a green product which is biodegradable, eco-friendly, sustainable and safe for humans and pets.

HOW does our company
help the planet?

Rembo Corp manufactures products that are environmentally friendly. We are constantly looking to improve our manufacturing techniques and to source eco-friendly components that will ensure that nsnt fragrance-free spray stays a GREEN, Organic and Non-Toxic product. All extra steps are taken to guarantee customers will receive products that help protect and support our planet.

  • The product/packaging is biodegradable.
  • The fragrance-free spray bottle is made from recycled plastic. The flutes (wavy inner section of carton) are constructed using 100% recycled material and the entire carton is recyclable.
  • The plastic bags, paper filler and labels used in shipping are biodegradable and made from 100% recycled paper.
  • Protecting our planet and environment is everyone’s job. We urge you to do your part and recycle!

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